Sunday, February 11, 2007

"Call of the Wild" Success

I just got back from the "Call of the Wild" Cat Show held at Santa Rosa, California. It's about 75 miles away from San Francisco, part of the Sonoma County --- known for there good wines. It was a two day- 8 ring show (huh, what a week end!), 6 all-breed and 3 specialty CFA judges were present.

Along with me was Cuddle Bug (Pattnchat Cuddle Bug of Karastan), our Red McTabby Devon Rex Kitten. I was also suppose to show Sapphire, but she wasn't feeling very well and decided to pull her out. Our cats health is much more important than the show points, so she stayed home and enjoying her sleep on a heated bed. But we still had a wonderful time at the show, all 225 entries were in attendance. Tons of gorgeous felines from all over the continental US. It was amazing!

The first day of the show, Cuddle Bug made it to three final rings and the today she got one more final. Four (4) finals out of eight (8) rings, I was on cloud nine! Here are the results of the "Call of the Wild" show:

Judge Vicky Abelson (LH/SH) - 7th Best SH Kitten
Judge Larry Swanson (AB) - 8th Best AB Kitten
Judge Brian Pearson (AB) - 10th Best AB Kitten
Judge Karen Talbert (SH) - 6th Best SH Kitten

Ms. Debbie (Cuddles Breeder) and I were so proud of our Pixie. She dazzled the judges ring and garnered some points, so far in the 3 shows she's been in; Cuddle Bug has a total of 130+ credited to her name. This week end was a real "Call of the Wild" success...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.